A Balanced Life: Mind, Body, and Spirit

In our pursuit of a healthy, happy life free of blocks, fears, self-doubt, unwanted illness, stress and everything else we feel is stopping us, it takes consideration of what the body needs and getting to the root cause, letting go of old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve us.

It is easier to improve your life than you think. It starts with a decision.

When did you decide?

I was in the grocery store the other day and saw someone that looked familiar. It took me a minute, but I realized it was someone I had worked with about 10 years earlier. I went up to her and said hello. I could see that she didn't immediately know who I was (just like me at first), so I told her my name. Then she said ‘oh, I was having a senior moment. " and was a bit embarrassed that she did recognize me. Being almost two decades younger than me, I wondered ‘when did she decide she was old’? How many other aspects of her life were being negatively affected by what she was telling herself …. that she was old.

When did you decide you were old?

A stiff knee joint?

The first time it took you a few more seconds to remember someone's name?

The first time they didn't card you at a liquor store?

Is "old" a number, a feeling, a set of habits, or an attitude?

If 50 is the new 30, maybe it is time to rethink age. 


Everyday we think 60,000 to 70,000 thoughts and 90% of them are the same as the day before.

Dr.Joe Dispenza……

‘ So, the same thoughts will always lead to the same choices. The same choices will always lead to the same behaviors. The same behaviors will always create the same experiences. And the same experiences always produce the same emotions. Those same emotions drive our very same thoughts and our biology, our neurocircuitry, our neurochemistry, our neurohormones, and even our genetic expression, stays exactly equal to how you think, how you act, and how you feel.’

So, if you think the same thoughts, that lead to the same choices, that lead to the same behaviors, that lead to the same experiences that will produce the same emotions how can you expect anything to be different After a while it all becomes habit and you do it without consciously thinking…..you have formed a habit.

When you decide to make changes to what is familiar it will feel uncomfortable, awkward, you may even resist the change just remind yourself it takes “21 days to change a habit” and become your new familiar.


Want to drop pounds and maintain your desirable weight?  I found a secret weapon...thank you Marisa Peer.... INDIFFERENT.... It is magical how easy it becomes to be INDIFFERENT to any food that contributes to extra body mass.  Sound simple?  It is!


A label….

a slip of paper, cloth, or other material, marked or inscribed, for attachment to something to indicate its manufacturer, nature, ownership, destination, etc.

a short word or phrase descriptive of a person, group, intellectual movement, etc.

a word or phrase indicating that what follows belongs in a particular category or classification:

Three different definitions, all important depending on the use but all are used to describe a thing, a person, a category.

Are you labeling, stereotyping yourself or others? Are you putting yourself or others into a box? It seems to be something we as humans do without thinking. Without considering what it feels like, how it affects us. Labels can become outdated instantly when a change takes place but may not be updated that quickly. You may not be able to control labels others put on you but you are in complete control of labeling yourself and others.


Did you know it is just as easy to manifest a button as it is to manifest a $1,00,000,000.

The only difference is the way we think about it.  The button seems really easy....not a lot of value.  Would it change if it were a rare, one of a kind button worth a million dollars to the finder.  It's all in the way we think.  Everything you manifest has value....

Unstoppable focus

 The power of a decision....does it propel you forward with unstoppable focus or stagnate you because you let someone else's belief and opinion lead to self doubt. Your choice, your decision!


'Age is an expectation people are living up to'.  This did not come from me but when I heard it it completely resonated with me.  As I think back to sharing that I wanted to run a marathon after I had retired countless people started sharing all the reasons I shouldn't...too hard on my body, could hurt my knees, feet, ankles, why would I want to do it, too old to do it and on and on.  If I had decided to live up to someone else expectation of what can or can't be done because you have crossed a threshold of age my life would be completely different.  

It doesn't stop with age.  It is all inclusive of the limiting beliefs people have for themselves and they want to pass along to you.  Your brain is an 'excuse making machine' and will jump on a new belief in the blink of an eye if you want an excuse.  We love being part of a tribe and we thrive when we are.....be aware of what you are choosing....is it propelling you forward with positive energy or are you jumping on train of limiting belief.  You get to decide....choose well!


'The brain is an excuse making machine' I can't take the credit for this but loved it.  Heard it while listening to someone else


Cambridge Dictionary

“The practice of being aware of your body, mind, and feelings in the present moment, thought to create a feeling of calm.”

What does it mean to you........

              Take a moment


Each morning

Each morning when the alarm goes off I start my day of deciding.  I get to decide if I'm getting up or pressing 'snooze'.  

Today as I am enjoying hanging freshly laundered sheets on the line to air dry and take on the fresh fragrance of outdoors I started thinking about the power of 'I Decide'.  How it shapes our day as we make hundreds of decisions throughout the day until we decide to go to bed.  From the simplest of just deciding to open our eyes, getting up, taking a shower, getting dressed, eating breakfast to a possible life changing event and so on and so on.  We get to decide.  We get to decide if we are living by someone else's beliefs and rules or if we are sticking to our own beliefs and no matter who tries they can not influence us to do what they think is best.  We get to decide how we react......happy, sad, glad, regret, disappointed, elated

We get to decide.....

What did you decide?