'Age is an expectation people are living up to'. This did not come from me but when I heard it it completely resonated with me. As I think back to sharing that I wanted to run a marathon after I had retired countless people started sharing all the reasons I shouldn't...too hard on my body, could hurt my knees, feet, ankles, why would I want to do it, too old to do it and on and on. If I had decided to live up to someone else expectation of what can or can't be done because you have crossed a threshold of age my life would be completely different.
It doesn't stop with age. It is all inclusive of the limiting beliefs people have for themselves and they want to pass along to you. Your brain is an 'excuse making machine' and will jump on a new belief in the blink of an eye if you want an excuse. We love being part of a tribe and we thrive when we are.....be aware of what you are choosing....is it propelling you forward with positive energy or are you jumping on train of limiting belief. You get to decide....choose well!
'The brain is an excuse making machine' I can't take the credit for this but loved it. Heard it while listening to someone else