Everyday we think 60,000 to 70,000 thoughts and 90% of them are the same as the day before.
Dr.Joe Dispenza……
‘ So, the same thoughts will always lead to the same choices. The same choices will always lead to the same behaviors. The same behaviors will always create the same experiences. And the same experiences always produce the same emotions. Those same emotions drive our very same thoughts and our biology, our neurocircuitry, our neurochemistry, our neurohormones, and even our genetic expression, stays exactly equal to how you think, how you act, and how you feel.’
So, if you think the same thoughts, that lead to the same choices, that lead to the same behaviors, that lead to the same experiences that will produce the same emotions how can you expect anything to be different After a while it all becomes habit and you do it without consciously thinking…..you have formed a habit.
When you decide to make changes to what is familiar it will feel uncomfortable, awkward, you may even resist the change just remind yourself it takes “21 days to change a habit” and become your new familiar.