I was in the grocery store the other day and saw someone that looked familiar. It took me a minute, but I realized it was someone I had worked with about 10 years earlier. I went up to her and said hello. I could see that she didn't immediately know who I was (just like me at first), so I told her my name. Then she said ‘oh, I was having a senior moment. " and was a bit embarrassed that she did recognize me. Being almost two decades younger than me, I wondered ‘when did she decide she was old’? How many other aspects of her life were being negatively affected by what she was telling herself …. that she was old.
When did you decide you were old?
A stiff knee joint?
The first time it took you a few more seconds to remember someone's name?
The first time they didn't card you at a liquor store?
Is "old" a number, a feeling, a set of habits, or an attitude?
If 50 is the new 30, maybe it is time to rethink age.